Ditch the Canned Stuff: The Best How to Make Shredded Chicken

Are you tired of using canned chicken in your recipes?

Want to elevate your meals with fresh and flavorful shredded chicken?

Look no further! This blog post will show you how to make shredded chicken from scratch.

It is easy and budget-friendly and allows you to control the ingredients and customize the flavor.

Say goodbye to canned chicken and hello to delicious homemade shredded chicken!

how to make shredded chicken
Photo by Farhad Ibrahimzade on Unsplash

Why Homemade Shredded Chicken Beats Store-Bought

Are you still unsure whether to make or buy your shredded chicken from the store? Let me convince you why homemade shredded chicken beats store-bought every time!

First and foremost, the flavor of homemade shredded chicken is unparalleled. When you make it from scratch, you have complete control over the seasonings and ingredients that go into it.

No more bland and uninspiring canned chicken – with learning how to make shredded chicken, you can add your favorite spices, herbs, and marinades to elevate the taste to a new level.

Plus, you can customize it to suit your preferences, whether you like it spicy, tangy, or savory. Not only does homemade shredded chicken win in the taste department, but it also wins in texture.

Canned chicken often has a mushy and processed consistency that pales compared to the tender and juicy texture of homemade shredded chicken.

By cooking the chicken yourself, you can ensure it is perfectly cooked, resulting in moist and succulent meat that falls apart with a fork.

Another reason why homemade shredded chicken is superior is its cost-effectiveness. Purchasing canned chicken can quickly add up, especially if you use it frequently in your recipes.

You can save money and stretch your budget further by learning how to make shredded chicken. It’s a win-win situation!

Additionally, how to make shredded chicken is a great way to avoid preservatives and additives often found in store-bought options.

You have complete control over the quality and freshness of the ingredients, ensuring that your shredded chicken is not only delicious but also healthier.

What You’ll Need to Start Making Shredded Chicken

If you’re ready to ditch the canned chicken and make your own flavorful shredded chicken, here’s what you’ll need to get started.


The star of the show! You can use boneless, skinless chicken breasts or thighs for shredding. Both work great, so choose your preference.

Aim for around 1 to 1.5 pounds of chicken to yield enough shredded meat for your recipes.


It is where you can get creative and customize the flavor of your shredded chicken. Basic seasonings like salt, pepper, and garlic powder are a good starting point. But don’t be afraid to experiment!

Add chili powder for a kick, or try herbs like thyme or rosemary for an aromatic touch. The possibilities are endless!


To ensure tender and moist shredded chicken, you’ll need some liquid to cook it in. You can use water, chicken broth, or a combination of both.

The liquid helps infuse flavor into the chicken while keeping it juicy during cooking.

Cooking equipment:

You’ll need a pot or a slow cooker to cook the chicken. A pot with a lid is great for simmering the chicken on the stovetop, while a slow cooker allows for hands-off cooking and tender results.

Choose whichever method suits your cooking style and equipment availability.

The Step-by-Step Guide to How to Make Shredded Chicken

How to make shredded chicken is easier than you might think! With just a few simple steps, you’ll have tender, flavorful chicken that can elevate any dish.

Let’s dive into the step-by-step guide to how to make shredded chicken from scratch.

Step 1: Prepare the chicken

Start by selecting your chicken of choice. Boneless, skinless chicken breasts or thighs work best for shredding.

Aim for around 1 to 1.5 pounds of chicken to yield enough shredded meat for your recipes.

Step 2: Season the chicken

Once you have your chicken, it’s time to season it. Use basic seasonings like salt, pepper, and garlic powder as a starting point. But feel free to get creative!

Add chili powder for a kick, or experiment with herbs like thyme or rosemary for an aromatic touch. The choice is yours!

Step 3: Cook the chicken

Now it’s time to cook the chicken. You have a couple of options here. If you prefer stovetop cooking, place the chicken in a pot and cover it with liquid, such as water or chicken broth.

Bring it to a simmer and let it cook for about 15-20 minutes or until the chicken reaches an internal temperature of 165°F.

Alternatively, you can use a slow cooker for hands-off cooking. Place the seasoned chicken in the slow cooker with your choice of liquid and cook on low for 4-6 hours or on high for 2-3 hours.

Step 4: Shred the chicken

Once the chicken is cooked and tender, it’s time to shred it. Use two forks to separate the chicken and shred it into small, bite-sized pieces.

If you prefer a finer texture, you can use a stand mixer with a paddle attachment or a low-speed handheld mixer to shred the chicken.

Step 5: Enjoy!

Your homemade shredded chicken is now ready to be enjoyed! Use it in tacos, salads, sandwiches, pasta, or shredded chicken recipes. The possibilities are endless!

Tips and Tricks for Tastier, More Tender Shredded Chicken

How to make shredded chicken is simple, but a few tips and tricks can take your homemade creation to the next level.

These techniques will ensure that your shredded chicken is tasty and incredibly tender. Here are some tips and tricks for more flavorful, tender shredded chicken.

First, let’s talk about the cooking method. While stovetop and slow cooker methods work great for making shredded chicken, the slow cooker is the secret to achieving the most tender and juicy results.

The slow cooking makes the chicken incredibly tender and easily shreds with minimal effort. If you have the time, opt for the slow cooker method for the best texture.

Another tip is to use chicken thighs instead of chicken breasts.

Chicken thighs have a higher fat content, so they stay moist and tender even after shredding. The natural juiciness of the thighs adds incredible flavor to your shredded chicken, making it more delicious than ever.

When it comes to seasonings, don’t be afraid to go bold. Add spices, herbs, and marinades to infuse the chicken with flavor.

For a tangy twist, consider combining seasonings such as paprika, cumin, chili powder, or even a splash of lime juice. Experiment with different flavors to find your favorite combination.

To further enhance the tenderness of your shredded chicken, consider adding some liquid to the cooking process.

It can be chicken broth, vegetable broth, or even a combination of broth and water. The liquid helps keep the chicken moist and infuses it with additional flavor.

Don’t be shy with the liquid – a generous amount will yield incredibly tender results.

Lastly, once your chicken is cooked and shredded, you can boost the flavor by tossing it in cooking liquid or a simple homemade sauce.

It will ensure that every bite of your shredded chicken is flavorful.

Storing and Reheating Your Shredded Chicken

Now that you’ve made a delicious batch of homemade shredded chicken, you may be wondering how to store and reheat it to enjoy later.

Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered! Here are some tips and tricks for storing and reheating your shredded chicken.

To store your shredded chicken, let it cool completely before transferring it to an airtight container or resealable bag.

Remove any excess liquid or sauce before storing to prevent it from becoming soggy. It’s best to divide the shredded chicken into individual or family-sized portions to make it easier to thaw and use later.

Shredded chicken can stay fresh in the refrigerator for 3-4 days. You can also freeze it if you want to extend its shelf life.

Place the shredded chicken in a freezer-safe container or bag, removing as much air as possible to prevent freezer burn. It can be frozen for up to 3 months.

When ready, thaw it in the refrigerator overnight or use the defrost setting on your microwave.

Now, let’s talk about reheating your shredded chicken.

The best way to reheat it is by gently warming it in a skillet or saucepan over medium-low heat. Add a splash of broth or water to keep it moist, and stir the chicken until it’s heated.

You can also reheat it in the microwave by placing it in a microwave-safe dish and covering it with a damp paper towel. Heat it in 30-second intervals, stirring in between, until it’s hot.

Creative Ways to Use Your Homemade Shredded Chicken

Now that you learning how to make shredded chicken and have a batch on-hand, it’s time to get creative with using it in your meals. Here are some mouthwatering ideas to inspire you:


Fill soft or crispy taco shells with shredded chicken and top with your favorite taco toppings like lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, and salsa. Drizzle with some lime juice or hot sauce for an extra kick.


Add a protein boost to your salads by tossing in some shredded chicken. It pairs well with a variety of ingredients, such as mixed greens, avocado, cherry tomatoes, and a light vinaigrette dressing.


Create a delicious chicken salad sandwich by mixing shredded chicken with mayo, celery, and onions. Spread it on your favorite bread and add lettuce and tomato for a satisfying lunch.


Layer shredded chicken, cheese, and your choice of veggies between two tortillas and cook on a griddle until the cheese is melted and the tortillas are crispy.

Serve with sour cream or guacamole for a cheesy and flavorful meal.

Pasta dishes:

Toss shredded chicken into your favorite pasta dishes for added protein and flavor. It pairs well with creamy Alfredo sauce, tangy marinara, or pesto.

Stuffed peppers:

Fill hollowed-out bell peppers with shredded chicken, cooked rice, black beans, corn, and cheese. Bake until the peppers are tender, and the cheese is bubbly for a hearty and colorful meal.


Roll up shredded chicken, lettuce, tomatoes, and your favorite sauces in a tortilla for a quick and satisfying meal on the go.

These are just a few ideas to get you started, but the possibilities are endless! Use your imagination and experiment with different cuisines and flavors to create unique and delicious meals with your homemade shredded chicken.

After learning all the steps and tips for how to make shredded chicken, you’re now equipped with the knowledge and skills to elevate your meals to a whole new level of deliciousness.

Say goodbye to bland and uninspiring canned chicken, and hello to tender, flavorful shredded chicken made from scratch!

By making your own shredded chicken, you have complete control over the flavors and seasonings that go into it.

You can customize it to suit your preferences and experiment with different spices, herbs, and marinades.

The possibilities are endless, allowing you to create a culinary masterpiece right in your own kitchen.

Not only does learning how to make shredded chicken win in the taste department, but it also beats store-bought options in terms of texture.

The tender and juicy consistency of homemade shredded chicken is far superior to canned chicken’s processed and mushy texture.

Plus, making shredded chicken is cost-effective and avoids preservatives and additives often found in store-bought options.

If you would like to know what side dishes go well with chicken please read about What Goes Good with Baked Chicken?.